Sobre nós
Meet IJP
Program Leaders
The Program Lead Group is the collegiate body of government, representation and administration of the International Judge Program, which manages and represents the interests of the association.
The values we live by
Guiding Principles for Our Community
We are committed to creating a workplace culture that is inclusive, friendly, and embracing. We believe in fostering an environment where everyone feels safe to be themselves, contributing to a growing and vibrant community. Embracing diversity is not just a goal but a core value that drives our collective success.
Our community is dedicated to uniting persons associated by a like-minded passion. Together, we cultivate a growing and dynamic community that celebrates diversity and shared passions.
Each individual is respected for their unique perspectives and efforts, playing a vital role in the recognized success of our community. Your commitment is what makes our community thrive, and your contributions are truly appreciated.
We are privileged to have skilled experts who bring knowledge and authority to the table. They play a crucial role in elevating the collective expertise of our community, contributing to a recognized hub of excellence. Their dedication enhances the value we provide, ensuring that our community remains a trusted source for insightful and authoritative information.
Our leaders wear multiple hats within the community—they are not just owners but inspirers, problem-solvers, contributors, and guides. They lead not only the community's direction but also fostering inspiration, addressing challenges, contributing to discussions, and guiding members toward growth. Our leaders embody the essence of effective leadership, steering the community towards success and unity.
Our community is dedicated environment that is accepting, provides a positive reception, and is inherently kind. Every member is encouraged to share their unique perspectives, knowing they will be met with an atmosphere that fosters inclusivity and warmth. Our commitment to being accepting and kind is the foundation of a community where individuals feel valued and supported.
Within our community, we aim to create an atmosphere that goes beyond being merely fun – we strive to provide experiences that members genuinely enjoy, appreciate, and find so memorable that they wish to re-experience them.
Our community is founded on principles of fairness, where just, even-handed, honest, and legitimate practices are paramount. We are committed to maintaining an environment where every member is treated with equity and integrity, ensuring a level playing field for all.
Events are more than just gatherings; they are large experiences, encompassing celebrations that blend the formality of a ceremony with the vibrancy of a party.
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work groups
Riccardo Tessitori
Dani Solé
Monica Gonzalez
Milorad Pavlović
Algumas Palavras
Who Are We
Nós gostariamos de apresentar o International Judge Program, uma iniciativa começada por voluntários de diferentes países europeus para criar uma associação internacional de juízes. O objetivo principal é a criação de uma organização inclusiva de expecialistas em eventos que atende as necessidades da comunidade de juízes e colabora com organizações parceiras ao redor do mundo. Esta associação é destinada a servir especialmente juízes que não possuem nenhuma organização de juízes local ou regional para se juntarem, mas que irá dar as boas vindas aos membrs independente de sua associação com outras organizações de juízes.
We’re in the process of creating an association in Spain (“Asociación”) to give legal support to this initiative. Documents will be written in English and Translated into Spanish for legal requirements.
(Em ordem alfabética) Alfonso Bueno, Luca Chiassoni, Chris Gienger, Andy Heckt, Khanh Le Thien, Philip Ockelmann, Sergio Pérez, Dan Schuster and Davide Succi. Assim como Kevin Desprez como conselheiro no começo do projeto.
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