Table of Contents
Rules Enforcement Level Regular Event Certification (RegEC) holders are judges used to working in large teams and have specialized in events that are usually held at REL Regular.
They have proven to be good team workers, know their way around usual event procedure such as starting scheduled events, and can keep up excellent customer service while doing so.
They’ve also shown knowledge in multiplayer formats and less commonly found forms of magic, such as Grand Melee.
To read more about the philosophy and explanations for certain items in this document, please refer to the details article for the RegEC.
RegEC Testing Manager: Philip Ockelmann
To receive the RegEC, a candidate must complete the following 4 requirements. The Checklist (1) and Recommendation (2) may be completed in any order, which is followed by the Exam (3) and the Interview (4).
Accessibility exceptions can be made by the Testing Managers, in coordination with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team.
- Checklist: At medium-sized events with a dedicated REL Regular part the candidate
- has worked On Demand Events for at least 1 Day
- has worked Scheduled Events for at least 1 Day
- has worked at least one multiplayer event
- has headjudged a REL Regular event with at least 33 players and 3 rounds
- holds a current Level 1 or higher IJP Certification
- Recommendation: The candidate has received a written recommendation from a L3+ or holder of the RegEC for at least 6 months, evaluating at minimum the following qualities and affirming that the candidate meets the skills required for the RegEC
- Can start ODEs and run Scheduled Events
- Is capable of maintaining professional customer service
- Is capable of and willing to find creative and good solutions for “in-game errors not mentioned above”
- Is capable of identifying significant information and communicates it to the correct people (i.e. Scorekeeper, Teamlead, Headjudge, Teammembers, TO)
- Understands how to prepare product and event space for non-standard events (e.g. Multiplayer-pods, Team Trios, Grand Melee)
- Can make clear, short and precise announcements suited for events in large spaces
- Written Exam: The candidate has passed the RegEC Exam, covering
- Multiplayer Rules (CR section 8)
- Commander Specific Rules (CR Section 903)
- Mechanics more prevalent in casual formats, such as e.g. Monarch or The Initiative
- Advancement Interview: The Candidate has passed an advancement interview and subsequently received an advancement review from a L3+ Judge or holder of the RegEC certification for at least 6 months, covering the written exam and recommendation review
As a judge certified with the RegEC, a judge demonstrates the following proficiencies, in addition to the proficiencies of a L1:
- Extensive knowledge of the comprehensive rules topics as tested by the RegEC exam
- Has deep understanding of the philosophies of the JAR
- Can explain the reasons and philosophy behind the JAR to players
Event Skills
- Has experience judging REL Regular events in a judge team
- Can prepare and start a scheduled event at a large event
- Is capable of identifying critical event information and relaying it to the necessary party(s)
Leadership Skills
- Knows how to provide feedback to a peer regarding event situations
- Developed experience working at medium sized and multi-day events
Personal Skills
- Is able to positively engage with players and create a welcoming environment, even in areas outside their current event assignment
- Provides excellent customer service and maintains professionality, even in stressful situations
- Has the ability to recognize Unsporting Conduct situations and is capable of assessing whether to handle themselves or escalate them to the appropriate party
To maintain the RegEC certification, a judge must complete the following items each year:
- Pass at least 3 of the annual set update quizzes each year
- Choose 1:
- Work at least 1 medium-sized event with a dedicated REL Regular part, in that part
- Work at least 6 REL Regular events
- Stay involved and engaged with the judge community
Unsuccessful Advancement
Cooldown: If a candidate fails the written exam, it cannot be reattempted within the next 3 months.
Written Exam: Is valid for 12 months since it has been passed.
Failing the Interview: If a candidate fails the interview, they can retake it after 3 months. The candidate will need to get an updated Recommendation specifying the reasons for failing and improvements in those.
Recommendation: Is valid for 12 months since they’re written. After that time, they need to be updated and resubmitted and will be valid for another 12 months.
Reattempt limit: If the candidate fails the written test or the interview 3 or more times, any further reattempt must be approved by the RegEC Testing Manager.
Regional Special Rules
There are no regional special rules for the RegEC at the moment.