Description, Advancement, Maintenance and Skills

November 13th 2024: Clarified time limit for the written exams.

Table of Contents


A Level Four (L4) Judge is an expert in tournament policy with experience head-judging medium-sized events (5+ judges & 129+ players) and small teams of judges, as well as an active member of the judge community. L4s are also comfortable leading a large team, like a 5-judge team at a Regional Championship. Not only are L4s comfortable with all of the tasks expected of a floor judge at a large event, but they are experts with at least one team and can lead any team while training L2s and L3s on how to do those tasks. L4s are strong communicators and mentors. They train L2s to become L3s and mentor L3s to become L4s. In their local community, an L4 identifies judges who could be advancing, works one-on-one with judges, and encourages mentorship and collaboration within the entire community. 

To read more about the philosophy and explanations for certain items in this document, please refer to this article.

Level 4 Testing Manager: Àre Maturana L4TestingManager@InternationalJudgeProgram.org


To be promoted to L4, a candidate must complete the following requirements. Unlike the processes for Levels 1-3, these requirements occur in a prescribed order. All advancement processes will be held in English. Accessibility exceptions can be made by the Testing Managers, in coordination with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion team.

Step 1: Experience as an L3

The requirements of this step may be completed in any order.

1. Work Events as an L3 Judge (no time constraints)

  1. Work at least six multi-day events
  2. Lead, as a team lead or as a task lead, the following tasks at least once:
      • End of Round
      • Deck Checks
      • Any other Main Event team
      • Any Public Events Team (scheduled/ODE/Kickstarter)
  3. Lead a team with 3 or more judges reporting to them at least 3 times
  4. Serve as head judge for either a headlining event at a multi-day event or medium-sized competitive event
  5. Work at a competitive event with at least 20 other judges

2. Write at least three reviews in the previous year, as an L3 (recommendation and advancement reviews are valid)

    • Must be from events that the candidate and the other judge both worked

    • Must include at least one review of an L4+ judge

    • Must include at least one review from a multi-day event

    • Each review must contain detailed and actionable feedback.

Step 2: Self Review

The candidate must submit a self-review indicating their preparedness for L4 according to the following requirements. The review will be assessed by an approved L4 panel lead, who may advance them to the L4 panel process, or return the application with feedback for the candidate.

Step 3: Recommendations 

After completing at least the requirements above, candidates for L4 must submit two different recommendation reviews. 

Tournament recommendation: The candidate can work with an L5 or a judge who has been L4 for at least one year as their mentor until that mentor is comfortable with their assessment that the candidate has the tournament skills for L4. Then the mentor writes a detailed review of the candidate, explaining how the candidate meets the requirements for L4, related to the qualities: Policy Knowledge, Event Skills and in-event Leadership Skills.
The review will be assessed by an approved L4 panel lead, who may advance them to the L4 panel process, or return the review to the mentor with feedback.

Community involvement recommendation: An L4 judge must be able to provide value to the judge community in the way that fits them the most, there are as many ways to do it as judges in the world. The candidate must receive a recommendation explaining how they are involved in a constructive way in the judge community. Usually those recommendations are provided by a Regional Representative, a Program Lead or the leader of an official IJP project. Exceptionally it can be provided by any L4+, subject to the approval of the L4 Testing Manager.
This recommendation must explain how the candidate provides value to the judge community and the activity/es the candidate has done in the past year.
Examples of providing value are, amongst others: actively participate in a project that is beneficial for the regional or international community; actively mentor other judges; participate in the certification of other judges; write educational content; organize conferences; present at conferences, etc.

Step 4: Exam, a Practical Evaluation and a Panel Interview

Once the candidate fulfills steps 1, 2 and 3, they must submit their application using the appropriate checklist in JudgeApps: https://apps.magicjudges.org/checklists/view/417/

After being approved for the L4 panel process the candidate must pass a written Exam, a Practical Evaluation and a Panel Interview in no specific order.

The L4 Testing Manager will select an Exam Proctor and Panel leads for the Practical Evaluation and the Panel Interview. The same judge can fill in more than one of those roles.
The Panel Interview lead and L4 Testing Manager then may choose one additional panelist for the Panel Interview. 

The L4 Testing Manager, candidate, Exam Proctor, panel leads and panelists will coordinate an appropriate time and venue for the panels and the Exam.


The candidate may take the L4 Rules exam (time limit 120 minutes, 30 questions) and the L4 Policy exam (time limit 80 minutes, 20 questions). They must complete each exam with a score of 80% or higher. Those exams (unless an exception approved by the L4 Testing Manager) must be proctored and it’s timed and open book (CR; MTR; IPG and JAR).

Practical Evaluation

The Evaluation happens at a multi-day event where the evaluator and the candidate are both on staff. The candidate does not need to be in any specific role at that event, but some roles will make it harder evaluating the required qualities to pass. The Evaluator observes the candidate’s proficiencies, leadership, and success at the event and writes a review, evaluating the candidate. The Evaluator must write an Advancement Review (pass or fail) of the candidate.

The Advancement Review should cover a broad range of skills expected from an L4 Judge, including, but not limited to:

    • Pre-event communication
    • Preparation for team or head judge tasks
    • Communication with other judges, leads, and head judges
    • Success at team tasks
    • Mentorship

The panel lead will assess the candidate in each of the 3 quality categories:  Policy Knowledge, Event Skills and in-event Leadership Skills.

Panel Interview

In-person panels are highly recommended, but online Panel Interviews may be considered in circumstances where an in-person Panel Interview would be extremely difficult to schedule. 

The Panel Interview is a group interview where the panel asks questions of the candidate to assess them in each quality. The questions will vary, depending on the candidate’s known strengths and weaknesses. 

The panel lead will assess the candidate in each of the 3 quality categories: Personal Skills, Community Building and out-event Leadership Skills)

Panel and Practical Evaluation Guidelines

Each category will be evaluated and assessed on this scale.

    1. Exceeds Expectations
    2. Meets Expectations
    3. Area for Improvement
    4. Deficient

Candidates who are evaluated by the lead during the Panel/Practical to meet expectations in a majority of categories, with no deficiencies, pass the Panel/Practical. Once the Practical Evaluation, the Panel Interview and the Exam are passed the candidate is promoted to L4.

L4 Panels and Practiucals are additionally regulated by the Level Four Panel and Testing Guide, maintained by existing L4s and L5s. Portions of the requirements are included here as examples. Generally, the L4 process is designed to assess whether the candidate: 

    1. Is capable and comfortable head-judging a competitive event with 150+ players and small teams of judges.
    2. Is capable and comfortable team-leading a team with 5 judges at a multi-day event
    3. Is capable and comfortable with each team’s tasks
    4. Is capable and comfortable mentoring judges to become L3
    5. Has strong personal skills that enable head-judging, team-leading, mentorship, and participation in the community

Level Four Judge Qualities

This is a brief description of how an L4 candidate might be evaluated on each quality. This is not exhaustive but serves to give examples of how candidates might be evaluated and what general expectations are. This section replaces the Skills section from the other levels, as it also describes in detail what skills L4s are evaluated to have.

    • Policy Knowledge (evaluated in the Practical Evaluation)
        • Tournament Policy Application
            • Tested by the Advanced Rules/Policy Exam

            • The entire IPG, MTR, and JAR may be included on this exam. Candidates should be able to answer questions about infractions, penalties and remedies, including application to situations not directly described in examples, and to select the most applicable of each for described situations

            • Knowledge of the Digital MTR or other community supplemental tournament policy will not be tested

        • Tournament Policy Philosophy
            • The candidate must show a strong understanding of the underlying philosophies that inform the MTR, IPG, and JAR 

            • The candidate must show some ability to articulate how these philosophies are applied, and how they result in the written policy

            • A deficient candidate applies policy or its philosophy incorrectly, and may not understand the appropriate times to deviate from policy, or why not deviating is important

    • Event Skills (evaluated in the Practical Evaluation)
        • Tournament Operations Proficiency
            • The candidate shows good knowledge of each team and task utilized at large tournaments

            • The candidate shows knowledge of product distribution logistics and limited procedures

            • A deficient candidate might not understand how one or more teams work, like forgetting that the paper team should make sure that pairings boards are in place before the tournament starts

        • Tournament Operations Philosophy
            • The candidate shows good knowledge of tournament philosophy, and the ability to balance results with the time cost involved

            • A deficient candidate cannot provide alternative solutions for problems that might occur at a tournament

        • Investigations
            • The candidate can identify instances of potential cheating, and doesn’t overlook them in judge calls

            • The candidate can explain the difference between opportunistic and premeditated cheating

            • The candidate can make a plan for talking to a player during a cheating investigation, operate that plan, and adjust based on new information

            • A deficient candidate may overlook the potential for advantage in an infraction or may make decisions that solely rely on “gut feeling”, without being able to articulate factual elements pointing towards potential cheating.

    • Leadership Skills  (evaluated in both the Practical Evaluation and the Panel Interview, but from different perspectives)
        • Team and Event Coordination
            • The candidate communicates appropriately with head judges, team leads, and other judges in preparation for and at events

            • The candidate coordinates team tasks with their team and with other teams

            • A deficient candidate may isolate themselves as a team lead, have difficulty communicating with other leads, be unable to delegate tasks, or unable to teach tasks

            • A deficient candidate may also be unable to manage a team while maintaining team morale and mentorship

        • Diplomacy
            • A strong candidate is mature, trustworthy, amiable and well respected by their peers

            • A deficient candidate may have trouble working with others, or often fail to maintain decorum, diplomacy, and tact, either in person or in an online setting

            • A deficient candidate may have accumulated a trail of other judges who don’t like working with them, and is unable to resolve any of the issues

        • Stress Management
            • The candidate is capable of dealing with stress, and understands how they operate in a stressful environment

            • A deficient candidate may fold under pressure, or actively avoid stressful situations to their own or the event’s detriment

    • Personal Skills (evaluated in the Panel Interview)
        • Conflict Management
            • The candidate is capable of handling conflict, both involving themselves and between other judges

            • A deficient candidate may concede their position to their own or the event’s detriment to avoid conflict or be unprepared to deal with a conflict between players

        • Maturity
            • The candidate is understanding of others, punctual, and understands and embodies professionalism

            • A deficient candidate may be often regarded as negative, tardy, irritating, difficult to work with, and might favor complaining about a problem over and over rather than trying to find a solution

        • Self-Evaluation
            • The candidate understands their strengths and weaknesses, and works towards growing in places in which they aren’t proficient

            • A deficient candidate’s self-reflection lacks accuracy or depth, and the candidate may not put effort into actively improving where they are struggling

    • Program construction Skills (evaluated in the Panel Interview)
        • Teamwork
            • The candidate works well with a team, and knows their place within leadership structures as they change event-to event.

            • An excellent candidate thrives as a team member, bringing up the morale and teamwork of the entire team, while supporting their lead

            • A deficient candidate might have trouble taking directions, or trying new things that a lead asks them to do. They might also attempt to take over from an inexperienced lead instead of letting them grow

        • Mentorship
            • The candidate is capable of mentoring judges to achieve Level Three, including performing L3 interviews

            • The candidate understands the definitions of L1, L2, and L3, and is able to appropriately evaluate judges based on those definitions

            • A deficient candidate may be unable to identify any meaningful weaknesses in their peers, or unable to provide critical feedback

            • A deficient candidate might not understand the requirements for L3, and might not be able to appropriately fail a candidate’s L3 interview if the candidate isn’t prepared

        • Community building
            • The candidate is able to provide value and help build the judge community in some way

            • An excellent candidate collaborates with the judge program in one or more ways, like writing educative articles, presenting educational seminars, participating in projects, etc.

            • A deficient candidate has no interest in participating in any way to construct the program or does it only with the intent to pass an evaluation


To maintain the L4 certification, a judge must complete the following items each year

1. Choose one —

  • Pass three out of four advanced set update quizzes throughout the year
  • Pass an Advanced Rules Practice and Advanced Policy Practice test

2. Choose three, at least one A and one B must be chosen.—

    • Work 4 days total in any combination of working the Pro Tour or leading teams at competitive events (A)

    • Head-judge or Appeals-judge a large competitive event (Competitive event with 20+ judges or any Regional Championship) (A)

    • Serve on one or more L4 advancement panels, regardless of its result (B)
    • Write two or more reviews resulting from L3+ certification process interviews (pass or fail) (B)

    • Create quality educational content (ex: article, conference presentation, video, etc.)  (B)

3. Write a self review

4. Maintain membership in the IJP by being up-to-date on their membership dues (annual membership fee is still to be decided based on the number of members and the association’s costs. Our goal is to have it as low as possible.) 

Unsuccessful advancement

Cooldown: If a candidate fails any of the Step 4 items (Written exam, the Panel Interview or the Practical Evaluation). They can not be reattempted within the next 6 months.
Written Exams: Are valid for 12 months since they are passed. After failing one of the tests the candidate can still take the other test (rules/policy), but they can not continue with the Practical Evaluation or the Panel.
Practical Evaluation and Panel Interview: are valid for 12 months. If the candidate fails any of those two items, they can no longer continue with any other item of Step 4 until after the cooldown period. 
Recommendations: are valid for 12 months since they’re written. After that time they need to be updated and resubmitted and they will be valid for another 12 months.
Self Evaluation: It has to be updated before any cooldown period.

Reatempt limit: If the candidate fails the process (in whatever item) twice, any further attempts are subject to the L4 Testing Manager approval.

Level 5

An L4 can start looking towards L5 when they find themselves very comfortable in all of the L4 roles, mentoring multiple other judges towards L4, and are highly involved in the regional and international community.

Regional Special Rules

There are no regional special rules for Level 4 certification.  

May 28: Changed according to the Adjustments introduced with the Extension of the Levels Transition Phase.

April 8: Changed according to the April 2024 Level Adjustments.

March 7: Practical Evaluation location changed from “large competitive event (20+ judges)” to “multi-day event”.

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