Hi there folks. I’m here to announce the official DEI program for the International Judge Program (IJP). While this is something we’ve always been trying to promote, we’ll now have a formal structure in place to support and guide people, and to try and make the IJP a more actively welcoming environment.
Introduction by Oli Bird
Firstly, a few words about myself, as the cis white male elephant in the room. I’m taking this role because I’m extremely passionate about people getting their chances to succeed, and to do what they want to do. I personally fit strongly into the “neurospicy” category, and that is my area of expertise when it comes to inclusion. I work with teenagers who find standard educational structures challenging, showing them that they’re not stupid or bad, just being forced into a hole that doesn’t suit them.
The Three Strands
There are 3 core ways through which we will work to promote and support a greater degree of Inclusion in the IJP.
- Active support – if you’re a person who is feeling that the IJP is not a good fit for you, that it’s doing things that wall you out or create discomfort and unsafe spaces, we will listen and help work out steps that can work around the issues for you personally, approaches that may be useful,and take your issues on board as things to address for the wider program. The important part is that you matter, and we believe you.
- Mentorship support – if you’re working with a person who has issues engaging with some of the requirements of the program,and thus is excluded or artificially hindered, we will give advice on how to work with someone in ways that ease that burden for them, whether it be related to accessibility or to acceptance.
- Program improvements – Based on the first two stages, we’ll have feedback on areas that the IJP needs to work on in order to make it more Inclusive and Equitable, leading to greater Diversity.
Core Ethos
You’re right, and you matter. How you feel is valid. We don’t know more about your situation than you. We offer support and commentary based on experience, not commands. You deserve to have the same opportunities in the IJP as anyone else.
Engaging With Us
To talk to us, please use one of the following methods
email dei@internationaljudgeprogram.org
Discord: ijp_dei
All engagement with us will be kept private within the team, unless specifically requested otherwise.
Help Wanted
We’re always looking for more help and volunteers. Please send a mail to dei@internationaljudgeprogram.org if you want to help show people they’re included.