Hello Judges!
We’re thrilled to share with you some relevant announcements, that we hope are of your interest.
Level Transition Period: March, April and May
The rules on how to transition from the old 3-level system to the new IJP 5-level system have now been published. Check them out by clicking this link.
L1 Exam and Murders at Karlov Manor Update Quiz
Our Exam Questions Team have prepared the Level 1 exam, as well as a simple rules update quiz for the Murders of Karlov Manor set. Feel free to take the update quiz on the JudgeApps. It is not mandatory, but it may be useful for maintenance or leveling up next year. With the L1 exam finalized, the team is going to focus on bringing you exams for the other levels as soon as possible, to enable a seamless transition to the new levels.
We want to say a big Thank you! to everyone on the Exam Questions Team who made this possible.
Casual Large Events Certification
We have received some feedback from the Tournament Organizers that our 5-level system doesn’t sufficiently cover a major part of the current organized play structure: the CommandFest and other major events that bring casual play into focus. Based on this feedback we have brought on Philip Ockelmann to the levels team with the goal of exploring options to train and certify judges for the specific need of these events.
As we are in the very early steps of exploration, we can’t make any promisses or share insights on what it might end up looking like. However, we would like to inform you of our current efforts for the sake of transparency, and also to thank Phillip for agreeing to take this responsability.
Program Leads Ask-Me-Anything
We are avare that in these convoluted times there are many questions related to the International Judge Program, how to transition to our system if you’re used to Judge Academy, and many other topics. We’re doing our best to strike a balance between sharing all the information you need and avoiding information overload, so we are sure there are many questions that still need to be answered or clarified.
In order to shed some light on any questions you may have about the International Judge Program we are creating written Ask-Me-Anything.
Please submit any questions you might have using the link below. Feel free to write your questions in any language, as Google Translate and some volunteer judges will help us. When we publish our responses, we will reply in English for the text to be understandable for everyone.
Without further ado, here is the link form: https://forms.gle/NJ3qSAYTed9ou3PQ6
Please make sure to submit your questions before March 15th. Depending on the number of questions we receive, we can’t guarantee every single question to be answered, but we’re going to cover as much ground as possible and focus on the most asked questions if we can’t answer everything.
Yours, the IJP leads, Alfonso, Bruna, Christiana, Dan, Khanh and Sergio